I don't know if you've noticed, however, our nation has recently experienced supply chain disruptions, bare shelves, and food uncertainty. This has been the first time since the Second World War and I don't know about you, but this hits close to home. A little too close.
You see, I'm a mother and I have children who depend on me to feed them and keep them safe and it makes me a bit nervous to see our local store shelves not as abundantly stocked as they once have been before.
Now, I only say a bit nervous because when it comes down to it, I know I was raised with the knowledge and experience of food production and sustainability instilled into me.
I know that if push comes to shove and things really got bad, I can grow food. I can feed my family. I can survive.
But what about everyone else? Not everyone has had my childhood. Not everyone has a massive greenhouse in their back yard that can produce for an extended season. Not everyone has food storage. Not everyone has had a father who has taught them basic Self-reliance skills.
If things got really bad, could I truly just sit back and take care of me and mine and let my community suffer?
No. No I couldn't.
So that means I need to start preparing now. I need to gather resources and contacts now. We as a community need to band together now in solidarity and fortify our own local, Self-reliant food system.
We need to know who our food producers are. Where they are located. What they offer. What support they need from the community in order to be able to support the community in times of need.
Food doesn't just grow over night. The ability to feed thousands of people doesn't just happen at the snap of your fingers.
It's a slow, organic process that takes time and work.
Seeds need to be purchased and planted. Livestock needs to be raised.
It's your basics of supply and demand.
When the demand comes, we need to be able to have the supply so now is the time to support our local food producers so they can steadily increase their supply to meet the demand.
Now, more than ever, we need to be working together so that if and when something happens to our supply chain, it doesn't hit us nearly as hard as it could.
So when the rest of the world is in fear and chaos, we have a sense of peace of mind and ease of knowing that we are alright. Everything is going to be alright. We have each other. We stand united. We stand strong because we are our own supply chain.
So, if you or someone you know are a local food producer, let's make some time to connect. I'd like to learn more about you and what you do and how you serve our community so that I can help inform our community on how they can support you so that you, in turn, can better support your community.
Much love and appreciation

We are preserving generational knowledge
Supporting the community through community supported agriculture